
Amazon Web Services' Three Data Centers in Sweden go Live to Serve Nordic Market

Cloud services giant Amazon Web Services (AWS) has opened three new data centers in the Stockholm region in a major push to build on and capture the fast-growing Nordic market opportunity. Sweden offers the lowest total cost of electricity in the EU following a 2017 government decision to cut energy tax for data centers. The country is also the EU leader in sustainability and has the highest share of renewables coupled with a 98 percent carbon-free energy footprint. Rapid digitalization and the increasing rate of cloud deployment are two additional factors that have put Sweden in the spotlight for data centers and international investors. According to a recent report published by the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Nordic data center construction market is estimated to attract annual investments of EUR 2-4.3 billion by 2025 which corresponds to an installed annual capacity of 280-580 MW per year. - AjaxWorld -



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