25th Annual General Meeting
Nordic Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic
Letter of Invitation
The Management Board of the Nordic Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic takes pleasure in inviting you to its 25th Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM will be held in accordance with Article 9 of the Chamber’s Articles of Association and will take place on
3 June, 2020 from 16:00 on-line streaming the link you will receive after registration
The suggested Agenda of the AGM enclosed.
Keynote Speaker: Mr. Tomáš Sedláček
Chief Macroeconomic Strategist at ČSOB, member of KoroNERV-20
“Future Wealth of Nations - The Body, Soul and the Spirit of economics”
The AGM has proven to be a forum to review the Chamber activities and to discuss suggestions regarding its future and development. The Board invites all members to prepare their proposals in this respect.
Management Board comments on some points of the suggested Agenda.
Changes of Articles of Association:
Election Year:
This year is the election year of the Management Board for the new period 2020-2022
The formal program will be followed by a casual cocktail.
Management Board invites the members to show their continuous interest in the Chamber and its activities through their participation.
Prague, 15 April, 2020
Nils Jebens