Apply before
Sep 18, 2019
26. 9. 2019 17:00 - 20:00
Hotel JALTA, Václavské náměstí
"Speed Business Meeting" is a meeting format designed to accelerate business contacts. This format involves participants gathering together to exchange information in a series of brief exchanges during a set period of time.
Apply before
Sep 23, 2019
25. 9. 2019 16:00 - 18:30
AUTO-STAIGER CZ - Černokostelecká 621/122, 108 00 Praha 10-Malešice
With Šárka Heyna Fuchsová, Managing Director, Volvo Cars Czech Republic s.r.o. Official importer of Volvo personal cars to the Czech Republic.
Apply before
Sep 20, 2019
24. 9. 2019 09:00 - 12:00
hotel LEONARDO, Karoliny Světlé 323/27, Praha 1
To experience significant growth at any phase of business, you need simple processes in place so client generation is streamlined, cost effective and consistently producing results.
Apply before
Sep 13, 2019
17. 9. 2019 09:00 - 12:00
STANCE Communication s.r.o., Palác Zlatý Kříž Jungmannova 750/34, 110 00 Praha 1
Seminář je určen všem, kteří sice nejsou profesionály v komunikaci, ale přesto se pracovně potkávají s médii.
Apply before
Aug 29, 2019
2. 9. 2019 15:00 - 17:00
Kinstellar, Na Příkopě 19, Praha 1
Setkání s velvyslancem ČR v Dánsku, J.E. Radkem PECHEM a velvyslancem Dánska v ČR, H.E. Ole Henrik FRIJS-MADSENEM (bude upřesněno) a dalšími hosty.
Apply before
Jul 29, 2019
31. 7. 2019 20:00 - 22:00 Rudolfinum
The European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO) is an official Cultural Ambassador for the European Union. It brings together the most talented young musicians from all EU member states in an orchestra united by a shared sense of European heritage, innovation, and the constant pursuit of excellence. The Orchestra embodies and makes tangible the highest ideals of the Union to bring people together in harmony.
Apply before
Jun 17, 2019
19. 6. 2019 17:00 - 19:00
Multifunkční prostor, Město moře, Přístavní 7, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice,
Přijďte na inspirativní setkání s podnikateli, kteří uspěli v nelehkém oboru, jakým je zdravotnictví
Apply before
Jun 11, 2019
14. 6. 2019 08:30 - 12:00
Malá aula, FSS MU, Joštova 10, Brno
Konferenci organizuje: Byznys pro společnost pod hlavičkou Charty diverzity, Česká republika společně s Chartou diverzity Slovensko a Fakultou sociálních studií Masarykovy univerzity Brno
Apply before
May 28, 2019
30. 5. 2019 08:30 - 11:30
Hotel SAVOY, Keplerova 218/6, Praha 1 - Hradčany
We are about to close first round of Mentoring Exchange programme. Come and listen the experiences of Mentors and Mentees during the process and find your mentor for 2nd round starting in September 2019
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