Nordic Midsummer Night 2017

7. 6. 2017 18:00 - 22:00 Residence of Finnish embassy, Sibeliova 6, Prague 6

The biggest event of the Nordic Chamber`s party calendar is coming!


The biggest event of the Nordic Chamber`s party calendar is coming! The flames of bond fires burn all night in the mountains, by the fjords and on the many islands. The descendants of Vikings are dancing around the flames, celebrating that the sun is at its peak.
Nordic Chamber of Commerce requests the pleasure of your company at the 

Nordic Midsummer Night

a traditional Chamber summer party held on Wednesday 7th of June  at 18:00. 
 Residence of the Finnish Embassy, Sibeliova 6, Prague 6

The event is held on the residence of Finnish Embassy on the occasion of the Suomi 100 celebration.

18:00 - Registration
19:00 - Speeches (H.E. Helena Tuuri - Ambassador of Finland, Stefan Lager - President of the Nordic Chamber)
20:30 - Raffle

During the whole event: Singer Nicole Lawrence from UK X-Factor (X-Factor performance here)

Dress Code: Party Chic


General partner of the year 2025:


Member: 1.400 CZK + VAT
Non-mem: 2.200 CZK + VAT

Apply before
Jun 05, 2017



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