"The role of the university, students and companies in the circular economy"

4. 10. 2023 11:00 - 8. 10. 2023 17:00 Veletržní palác, room 3.20


REBORN DESIGN and FA CVUT will present a joint exhibition "The Path of Material" at the prestigious Designblok 2023 exhibition.

Although we are entering the digital age, we still live in a material world. Machines, objects and objects which
on the way they surround us more and more with digital life, they must physically exist from some material.
And this material serves its purpose in its form for a limited time. He then sets out on his journey
transformations: reuse, crushing, melting, recycling.
Let yourself be invited to a piece of the path of transformation.

Please RSVP: elias@reborndesign.cz

We will then arrange to hand over a week-long festival pass for 1 person (probably in your name with the organizer).



General partner of the year 2025:



Apply before
Oct 04, 2023

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