Webinar: China, Risks and Opportunities during a Challenging Time

27. 10. 2020 11:00 - 12:15 WEBINAR: TEAMS

China, the country where the pandemic started becomes once again the driving force in the world economy.


How did Swedish companies in China manage during the Covid-19 outbreak, how are they doing now and what daily challenges do they face?

Don't miss this opportunity to get some new insights directly from the field, by listening to the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China and their learnings from the year 2020.

Daniela Ling-Vannerus Cassmer
General Manager SwedCham China

Daniela lives in Beijing, China with her family since 3,5 years. The first 2,5 years she focused mainly on learinng Mandarin and have reached level 4 in the proficiency test HSK, working toward level 5. With a background in international media and advertising sales, Daniela has lived in Paris for 12 years, between 1997-2005, before going back to Stockholm. Daniela is also member of the board of Swedish Chambers International (SCI).


Lars-Åke Severin
CEO and Founder PSU China

Lars-Åke Severin founded PSU in China in 2006 and is one of the leading foreign experts on security management and internal investigations in China. Lars-Åke is the chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China and director and member of the board of the Swedish industrial company Bulten (China).

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Organised by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in France
and the Swedish Club in Paris. In partnership with other Swedish Chambers in Europe.

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Oct 25, 2020

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