INDUSTRY 4.0 from the SUSTAINABLE perspective

22. 10. 2020 09:00 - 13:30 On-line webinar


Sustainability might be seen as just an expensive toy in the hands of multinational companies or it is becoming new standard in business of the new era? Recently, more and more companies are coming up with measures which aims to increase the sustainability of their processes. However, some of them have their steps labeled more as greenwashing, as the results of some studies show.

Many companies do however really change from the ground up and introducing aspects of sustainability at all levels of their activities. Everything is even more challenging as the industry faces the wider need for digitization and robotics, simply the advantage of industry 4.0.

Each sector faces different challenges, but the possibilities of inspiration are interdisciplinary. The conference will be addressed by company managers who they do not want to teach, but to inspire and to be inspired themselves. Find out what the profitability is measures to increase sustainability in the context of industry 4.0.

Join the discussion and contribute your experience to the formation of a view on this issue.

WEBINAR - - link -   Password: gKp4hwXf79p

Language: Czech & English without interpreting

Moderator: Nikita Poljakov

In cooperation with: Confederation of Industry and Transport

Honorary Patronage: Embassy of Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Honorary Consulate of Iceland

Media Partner: ČIANEWS 



9.00                 Jiří Holoubek, Svaz průmyslu a dopravy

9.05                 Dagmar Plevačová, VELUX s.r.o. a Vice President Severská obchodní komora

9.10                 Nikita Poljakov  – úvod do tématiky


9.15                 Cveto Gasperut, ERICSSON  (english)

                        5G Era – why next generation networks matter for sustainable future

9.40                 Jarmila Dolečková, AstraZeneca

                        Udržitelné řešení zdravotní péče a přístup k inovativní léčbě

10.05               Vladimír Víšek, IKEA

                        IKEA, přechod z lineárního na cirkulární byznys model

 10.30               Radek Veselý, ADLER Czech

                        Průmysl 4.0 z pohledu udržitelnosti v reklamním textilu

10.55               přestávka

11.05               Karel Fronk, Skanska

                        Cirkulární ekonomika ve stavebnictví

11.30               Dagmar Plevačová, VELUX

                        Automatizace a udržitelnost ve stavebním sektoru

11.55               Ivan Kupilík, LIKO-S, Živé stavby

                        Vliv zelených fasád na prostředí

12.20               Ivica Punčikar, Lyckeby Amylex

                        Nulové odpady a jak vytěžit maximum při zpracování brambor

12.45               Martin Mazari, Volvo Cars

                        Strategie udržitelnosti společnosti Volvo Car Group


13.10               Závěrečné shrnutí Nikita Poljakov, ukončení


- Sustainable report ENG -                                       - Udržitelná ekonomika - 


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