
ČNB: Current account deficit reached CZK 10bn in Sept

(ČIA) The current account deficit of the balance of payments reached CZK 10bn in September 2021, due to the deficit on the pension balance. The Czech National Bank (ČNB) informed about it. The balance of goods and services was active in the amount of CZK 3.4bn. In the balance of primary incomes on the liabilities side, dividends from direct investments amount to CZK 14.8bn. Primary and secondary pensions include a passive balance of transfers from the Czech Republic to the EU budget in the amount of CZK 0.7bn. Revenues from the EU budget on the capital account amounted to CZK 3.4bn. In addition, CZK 23.2bn is included in the capital account. These are funds of financial support in the form of a grant allocation from the EU Instrument for Recovery and Resilience for the national recovery plan of the Czech Republic. The current account surplus in annual terms has been declining in recent months.



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