Conference Happiness at Work in Prague.
Date: 10.11.2016 8:00
Venue: Veletrzni Palac (Trade Fair Palace), Dukelských hrdinů 47, 170 00 Prague 7 - Holešovice
Ticket Price: 2965 CZK
Happiness at work may sound a pipe dream but achieving it is actually quite possible. First, we need to understand what it’s not. It’s not about high-fiving and cheerleading (although it could be for some people). It’s not about eliminating all the bad stuff from our job – it’s about being happy at work even though some of those bad things are present.
At the Happiness At Work Conference you will learn not only about the science behind happiness at work, you will also get first hand insight by world renowned experts and experience happiness at work through the eyes of those who are practicing it in their companies today!
This year conference offers 14 speakers including the main speaker from Denmark: Alexander Kjerulf, author of “Happy Hour is 9 to 5” and the worlds known “Chief Happiness Officer”.
A short interview with Mr. Alexander Kjerulf:
If all employees are busy being happy, who is going to do their work?
It's actually the other way around - happy employees work harder and better.
Studies from psychology and neurology have shown that people who experience positive emotions display a number of benefits at work, including these:
They are more productive and work faster and more efficiently
They get sick less often and have much lower absenteeism rates
They are more creative and have more and better ideas
They give much better service and make customers happy
They stay at the company longer saving huge efforts in recruiting new people
They sell more when in sales roles
They are more motivated and energetic
They are more resilient in the face of setbacks
They work better together in teams
They are more optimistic and engaged
And indeed, studies show that happy companies:
Make more money
Have happier and more loyal customers
Have higher quality and less waste
Have better safety records
Have better sales
Have higher stock prices
Can you give one example (possibly replicable in other companies) of how H@W made noticeable change in your company?
One thing we do in our company to stay happy at work, is that we begin all meetings by celebrating our victories since the last meeting. It's very simple: Every person shares one or two things they've done since the last meeting that they did well and are proud of.
It's a very simple thing to do and it only takes a couple of minutes, but it gives us a lot of energy, because it reminds us that we're doing good work and making a difference.
This is something any company can do. We taught some teams at LEGO to do the same thing and they really liked it. One of our clients is a big insurance company, and their IT leadership team now start their weekly leaders meeting by celebrating their victories. They found that it made their meetings more fun and more effective.
Isn't happiness at work only applicable for rich IT companies?
Many people think so - but they're wrong. Any workplace can be happy - schools, hospitals, law firms, supermarkets, factories, government offices and companies in almost any industry you can think of can be happy.
There are two main factors that make us happy at work:
Let's take a closer look at these two. First, results. We all want to get results. We all want to make a difference, know that our work is important, get appreciation and do work that we can be proud of.
And secondly, there's relationships at work. We all need to feel valued as human beings and have a good relationship with co-workers and managers.
So this is the secret to happiness at work: Results and relationships - doing great work together with great people. If we can give our employees that, they will be happy at work. And this is possible in almost every workplace.