
German PRE takes over Frontier Technologies

Frontier Technologies began to operate in the energy sector in 2011, focusing on energy consumption management and cost reduction for companies in the industrial sector, delivering tangible results to companies from Lear to Honeywell to Kermi to Staropramen, to name a few. Frontier’s core business has been – and will remain- development, design, manufacturing and supply of intelligent lighting systems for primarily indoor as well as outdoor areas of manufacturing and warehousing businesses across Czech and Slovak Republic. The company has its head office in Prague, and own manufacturing and warehousing capacity outside Mělník. PREměření GM Aleš Staněk commented the transaction: „Strategically, the company falls into our widening concept of providing complex energy services. Lighting is a very fitting area for our mix as the LED projects typically offer return on investments within 3 years.“ - -



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