Lego Wins Intellectual Property Lawsuit in China
Lego A/S has won a new intellectual property lawsuit in China after a court agreed with the Danish toy manufacturer that local companies had copied its building blocks and miniature figures under the LEPIN brand. The Guangzhou Yuexiu District Court ruled that the four defendants should immediately cease the production, sale and promotion of the toys and pay about 4.5 million yuan ($650,000) in damages. Europe’s biggest toymaker, which is known for its aggressive use of the courts to protect its multi-coloured building blocks, had already secured two major legal victories in China last year. First, the Beijing Higher Court passed a ruling that recognizes the Lego logo and the name in Chinese as “well-known” trademarks in the country. Lego then also won its first Chinese copyright court case, when it defeated the makers of Bela products.
- Bloomberg -