
NKÚ: MZ gave CZK 4.8bn to hospitals without monitoring

(CIANEWS) - Between 2019 and 2021, the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (MZ) allocated to FN Bulovka (FNB), FN Královské Vinohrady (FNKV) and FN St. Anna in Brno (FNUSA) extraordinary contributions of CZK 4.8bn without checking their use. Some of the hospitals treated the contribution for their debt relief uneconomically. The Supreme Audit Office (NKÚ) informed about this, stating that, for example, FNB used CZK 9.3m and FNUSA used CZK 646.2m in violation of the established conditions. In the opinion of the NKÚ, the debt relief of hospitals in 2020 was a non-systemic measure because it did not address the cause. On the selected sample, the inspection also showed that hospitals procure most medicines and medical devices outside of the procurement process.



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