(CIANEWS) - The prices of new flats in Prague stabilised in the second quarter of 2022. The current average sales price of CZK 145,783/m2 is comparable to the first quarter of 2022 (up CZK 34/m2). Year-on-year, it represents a 23% increase, according to a market analysis by Skanska, Trigema and Central Group. The bid price totalled CZK 152,051/m2 (up 17% year-on-year). The offer of flats increased by almost one-quarter to 4,150, which is more than 50% below the number that could sufficiently saturate demand. In total, 950 new flats were sold in the second quarter of 2022, which is one-third fewer than compared to the long-term average. This is mainly due to the lack of access to mortgage loans caused by an increase in interest rates for new loans.