
SPOLU, Pirates and STAN will call for vote of no confidence

(ČIA) The SPOLU coalition (ODS, TOP 09 and KDU-ČSL) agreed with Pirates and STAN to support the vote of no confidence in the government. This was stated by the chairman of the ODS, Petr Fiala, stating that Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (ANO) is in a conflict of interest, the government overthrew the budget during the coronavirus crisis and the Czech Republic has the highest number of victims of Covid in Europe. He added that the vote will also be on whether the Minister of the Interior Jan Hamáček (ČSSD) has confidence after the planned trip to Moscow or the Minister of Health Petr Arenberger (for ANO) in connection with his income and assets. An extraordinary meeting of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic will take place at the beginning of June 2021.



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