
State budget ended with a deficit of CZK 286.7bn in Oct

(CIANEWS) - The state budget had a deficit of CZK 286.7bn ended at the end of October 2022. After adjusting for revenues from the EU and financial mechanisms, as well as for expenditures on these projects, the deficit amounted to CZK 259.2bn. Finance Minister Zbyněk Stanjura (ODS) stated that the deficit corresponds to the expected fulfillment in the context of payments of extraordinary pensions, one-off child allowances and other benefits, including the prepayment of the entire allocation for the savings tariff. In October, the collection of VAT from quarterly payers had a positive impact on the budget, on the other hand, the Czech Republic paid an extra CZK 6bn year-on-year in repayments of the state debt.



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